Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Today marks my 2-year anniversary of leaving The Martin Agency and what an amazing 2 years of growth it's been. When I resigned from The Martin Agency (4 months short of my 20-year anniversary), I honestly wasn't sure what I was going to do, I just knew that it was time for change. Thank you all for supporting me during that time and encouraging me to stretch my wings. I've learned so much the past couple years and am beyond excited for what the future holds for my own company - Amy Elkin Creative. The Martin Agency will always hold a special place in my heart and I will always follow Mike Hughes' mantra of "do work you love with people you love." Here's a little video my friends made for me when I left, it's warms my heart even though they're making fun of me and my hair...

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow from Amy Elkin on Vimeo.